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Power of Plants & Nature Immersion Workshop with Cudjuy

  • Rama Ramo 25 Lane 336, Section 3, Zhishan Road Taipei City, 111 Taiwan (map)

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About This Event

Delighted to invite Taidong based Paiwan aboriginal interior and floral designer Cudjuy Maljugau to Taipei on Wednesday, March 30 for a morning power of plants and nature immersion workshop.

Cudjuy will teach us the importance of plants and greenery in your interior spaces. He will also guide us on a nature walk where each participant will be able to learn how to collect leaves, plants, flowers and arrange them so you can take them home to enjoy! Tea and refreshments will be served. Hosted in the serene space of Rama Ramos in Wai Xuang Shi!

Join us for this unique experience!

Limited to 12 spots!

很榮幸3/30(三)上午邀請來自台東排灣族的空間及花藝設計師Cudjuy Maljugau(謝聖華)和我們一起浸潤在自然環境中,分享植物的力量。Cudjuy 將與我們分享綠色植物如何適當的在室內空間裡擺設。我們將跟著Cudjuy 在自然步道中漫步,學習如了採集植物和花朵,並且將他們帶回,讓家中有不一樣的生氣!我們將會在外雙溪的Rama Ramos 聚辦並且提供簡單茶點。




9:00AM | Welcome & Intro

9:30AM | Nature Walk & Collect Plants/Flowers

10:30AM | Create Your Arrangement

11:10AM | Tea & Refreshment

11:30AM | Event Ends

9:00AM | 報到

9:30AM | 走步道

10:30AM | 製作作品

11:10AM | 茶聚/分享

11:30AM | 結束


About Cudjuy Maljugau

Cudjuy Malijugau is a renowned Paiwan Aboriginal interior and floral designer based out of Taidong, Taiwan and founder of Gathering Art Studio. With a degree in interior & visual communication design from Chao Yang University, Cudjuy has over 10 years of experience designing spaces across the Eastern Coastline of Taiwan. He brings his ethnic aboriginal roots and modern aesthetics into his designs, with a strong sense of embodying our natural environment into our daily living and event spaces. He believes that we should appreciate and thank our island for all the beauty and resources it gives us and that we can nourish our living spaces using nature’s aesthetics, it is after all an energy exchange! Learn more about Gathering Art Studio, here.

謝聖華 Cudjuy Maljugau


Cudjuy Malijugau是出萃生活工作室Gathering Art Studio的創辦人。 Cudjuy畢業於朝陽視覺傳達設計大學,專業為空間設計及花藝設計,在台灣台東擁有10 年的空間設計及活動設計經驗。作品裡常常在探討人與自然的關係,並將原住民的生活美感和現代美學融入到空間設計當中,欣賞和感謝這座島嶼於予我們一切美麗和資源,並用其能量回應落實在我們的生活空間場域及生命態度裡!


Getting to Rama Ramo

台北市士林區至善路三段336巷25號 1F.,

No. 25, Ln. 336, Sec. 3, Zhishan Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City

Google 至 「萬山商店」

從336巷進來會先看到萬山商店往上走馬上看到左手邊有一棟白色綠屋頂的房子, 從左側斜坡下來

Enter from Lane 336, about 200m up you will see a white house with a green roof on your left!


1. 公車 :從士林捷運站坐小18公車至聖人橋站 ( 每半小時一班車, 路程約25分鐘)

By Bus: From Shilin MRT take bus 18 and get off at Shengrenqiao Station. The bus runs every 25minutes

2. 開車 :請停在至善路上, 從336巷步行上來約 3-5 分鐘

By Car: Park your car on Zhishan Road and walk up from lane 336, about 5min

3. 計程車:從士林捷運站車費約250 元

By Taxi: From Shilin MRT it will cost you about $250NT


Register Your Details to Attend

Session will be conducted primarily in Chinese with some English translation.

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