Choosing Solo Parenting with Rachel Fearnley

“There are ways to reach out for support, and whatever it looks like, and it does not have to look the same for everybody.”

Rachel Fearnley with Kid.png

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Rachel Fearnley, co-founder of Pineapple House Bali, The Whole Health Project, and a Manifestation Abundance Coach based out of Bali. We talk about her decision to become a single parent when she found out she was pregnant with her daughter, Yemaja, the importance of finding your community at times of vulnerability. How to embrace changes that approach us in life, and how her business offerings are to support wellness practitioners, coaches, and healers so these individuals can thrive in their own successful business online and offline!

Reaching out to your community is the big able are you to humble yourself and ask for support.

About Rachel Fearnley:

I’m a Yogi, a mumma, a badass serial entrepreneur who’s deeply connected to both the masculine & feminine energies of self. I thrive off of community and deep connection, off of soul led work and breaking through the barriers of our shadow selves to bring forth the most abundant, prosperous versions of ourselves possible.

Through my years of studying yoga and exploring different spiritual traditions fused with my business knowledge and experience I bring to the table a unique perspective on wealth, abundance, spirituality and dharma.

I’ve released myself from the veil of lies that you cannot be both spiritual AND wildly abundant, that you cannot be living and working in your dharma AND be wealthy and have deep worldly desires.

And now I am calling you to step forward boldly and courageously into your higher truth so that you too can create grounded & embodied wealth that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside.

Episode Resources:

Website / Insight Timer / IG / The Whole Health Project / Pineapple House


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