Homecoming with Brenda Lin

“Often times the most difficult things are the most meaningful.”

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Brenda Lin, a writer, mother, wife, daughter and brand manager of les enphants a second generation Taiwanese children branded family business! From Taiwan to New York, Singapore, Hong Kong and back to Taiwan, Brenda shares her homecoming journey and what it takes to set boundaries, communicate, journal and navigate finding yourself, working for your family business and laying down your roots.

Only you know how you can be your truest self, and only you know what kind of situation and what context will let you thrive.

About Brenda Lin:

Brenda Lin grew up among the myriad of antique children’s textile that her mother collected. She received her MFA in creative writing from Columbia University. Her first book, Wealth Ribbon: Taiwan Bound, America Bound, was a collection of interconnected personal essays on family and cultural identity. Lately, she has been writing about the intersection between text and textiles. Her recent work has appeared in TextilesAsia, Sotheby’s, and TextileXchange. In 2021, she published a touch-and-feel picture book, Hope, that you can wear, inspired by her mother’s textile collection. She lives in Taipei, Taiwan, where she works as a brand manager for a children’s wear company and teaches creative writing to upper school students.

Episode Resources:

les enphants / IG / les enphants Textile / Yuan / Yuan IG / The Book of Form and Emptiness


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