Keep Going with Katherine Wehler

“Being a human is being a soul, being a soul is being human there is no separation.”

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Katherine Wehler, a new paradigm business and soul coach a professional astrologer, human design reader and akashi record guide keeper. From as early as she can remember Katherine has had the natural ability to channel her spirit guides and for awhile choose to ignore them. She speaks to us about how the shooting at her college changed the whole course of her life from being a professional actress to her current business, helping others manifest their highest frequency and purpose in life. The shooting impacted her so deeply that she needed to heal herself from thoughts of taking her own life to channeling her spirit guides and realizing her own purpose and truth.

We’ve had this disconnection between what is spiritual and what is not, literally living and being human is a spiritual experience. It is through our humanity, and through connecting through our humanity and our human experience that we actually in ancient modality they say we ascend.

About Katherine Wehler:

Katherine Wehler, a new paradigm business and soul coach a professional astrologer, human design reader and akashi record guide keeper. She is deeply passionate about business and life being heaven on earth and helping soul’s manifest this in reality with practical solutions and high frequency energetic alignment. Katherine is committed to guiding light leaders to remember their soul mission and use their unique gifts to share with humanity the power of choosing love over fear. “By transforming ourselves we transform the world”.

Episode Resources:

Website / IG / Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast on Spotify + Apple Podcast / Katherine Creighton Crook / In Spirits Hands / It’s Not Your Money (Tosha Silver) / Energy of Money (Maria Nemeth) / Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert T. Kiyoaski) / The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) / The Reluctant Messiah (Richard Bach) / Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach)


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