MOGI with Monica Forcella

“One of the greatest difficulties in the coffee market is the high demand that clashes with a basic need to protect nature and workers.”

Back in 2014 I was gifted MOGI by a dear Italian friend of ours from Profood HK. Sure there are plenty of coffee beans to pick from mainstream brands to artisanal roasters, but the way MOGI roasts their coffee beans and presents their product has always left a strong imprint in our taste buds and heart! Did I also mention that they are also a socially responsible company too! I had the opportunity to speak to founder Monica Forcella recently to learn more about how she started MOGI with her brother Gianluigi, how covid has affected them and where MOGI is headed towards in this new decade!


Hi Monica, can you introduce yourself to us?


I am an entrepreneur with a passion for good taste: in fashion, design, relationships and food, of course.


What were you doing before you started MOGI in 2007?


I grew up surrounded by the aroma of coffee, since my family was a distributor in Italy. I graduated in agronomy to “poke my nose” into the topic, to know the raw materials in depth and to invent a formula that went beyond the distribution of coffee, that was a real lifestyle story to be told and tasted.


In 2007 what sparked your drive to begin MOGI, how did you turn your idea into a reality?


The spark was my passion for beauty in all its forms, declined in the world of coffee. With my family's tradition, the curiosity that pushed me further and the enthusiasm of a new adventure, I decided to found MOGI in team with my brother Gianluigi (hence the brand, a synthesis of our names). And since I firmly believe in relationships and cooperation, I made use of a precious group of collaborators without whom MOGI would not have reached where it is: Manuela, dynamic export manager; Eloise, creative director capable of transforming sensations, moods and philosophy into images and design; Christian and Fabio, the technicians who always keep the MOGI machine at the top.


Italy is already known for its coffee culture, in a saturated market how did you manage to find your niche?


Despite the wide market, in Italy we love GOOD coffee, and here the field is narrowing already. I personally select the raw material and then evaluate its roasting with a master coffee roaster. Our beans come mainly from Latin America, from crops that respect the environment and the people involved in the supply chain. This aspect is very important to us: one of the greatest difficulties in the coffee market is the high demand that clashes with a basic need to protect nature and workers. Once they arrive in Italy, the beans are roasted, grounded and packaged. What distinguishes us in the coffee market is our philosophy, which is reflected in the blends and packaging: good taste means beauty and elegance but also respect for nature, people and relationships. With this conviction, over the years we have built a network of partnerships - especially in the world of fashion and luxury but not only - that embrace our same values, as well as enjoy our coffee! With our partners and customers we not only share the business but a common vision of style and education, offering a discreet, fast… and chic service!


What were some of the biggest challenges you encountered and what did you learn from them?


As I said, one of the greatest difficulties lies in satisfying a high demand with a limited availability of raw materials that are of excellent quality and respect the environment. We have overcome this contradiction by creating a market niche that we are sure we can satisfy without betraying our principles. Another obstacle to the success of a company like MOGI is business diversification and how to keep it alive and consistent, without stumbling. This is resolved with a close-knit team effort.


As a family business working with your brother what are some tips you would give to others who are running a business with their family members?


This is a tricky question! It is difficult to give an answer that could be the universal solution, because we are all very different, especially in family relationships. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family with a business close to my dream but which left me the freedom to grow and experiment independently. And the decision to found MOGI with my brother was simple and natural: we grew up together, in harmony and without mutual interference, and in the same way we work together today. Of course, there are differences, but you always find a way to understand each other and go on!


Who are some of your mentors?


It may seem obvious, but first of all my family: the passion, dedication and respect that they handed down to me are my guiding points in everything I do, in business and in life. In general, I admire discreet and enthusiastic people, who pursue their dreams with consistency and respect. And, I assure you, there are not many!


What inspires you to wake up every morning and continue to promote Mogi to the world?


The passion and the challenge of being able to satisfy the needs and desires of my customers in an impeccable way, offering a philosophy of life and Italian style, and not just coffee. I like to think that MOGI can bring good taste, elegance and simplicity in different contexts: in a restaurant with a view on cosmopolitan skyline, in a mountain chalet, on a sailboat or in a luxury showroom but also be a companion of perfect breaks within the walls of the house. This is what intrigues me and pushes me to continue promoting MOGI around the world.

“Our philosophy, which is reflected in the blends and packaging: good taste means beauty and elegance but also respect for nature, people and relationships.”


Has covid affected your business with Italy hit hardest earlier this spring? Did you need to pivot?


It has certainly been a complicated year. Bergamo, our city, has been severely hit by the pandemic and carries deep wounds. But we also got up immediately thanks to a strong and willing community. We did the same as a company: our team has remained compact and confident and we have not been discouraged by the months of lockdown and by a market that has obviously changed. In particular, big cities and big events have been affected by the new limitations and habits that situations force us to. Together with our customers we have found new ways and new forms of collaboration to stay in the change and we are getting up together. I just tell you that, despite everything, we are working on new projects to grow further!


What do you hope to achieve in this new decade?


I'll tell you, I'd be happy to be able to keep MOGI sparkling as it is! We are a small family company, we like to grow step by step so as not to make false steps in order to keep the quality at the top. Of course, we will conquer the world!


For those of us abroad how can we purchase MOGI and follow your offerings?! 


Thanks to Manuela, our energetic export manager, MOGI is now present in Europe, Asia and America, both in restaurants and clubs and for individuals. For info and purchases we are available on our website and on IG. What do you say, now we enjoy a good coffee?


Thanks for sharing your journey with us Monica, we can’t wait to get some MOGI over here in Taiwan and perhaps have more of our readers experience MOGI! Look forward to seeing what new offerings you are working on in the coming decade and hope to collaborate with you guys in the near future!

First published on September 16, 2020


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