Ride the Waves with Bay Bay Niu (中文)

“You need to be persistent with what you want to do in life, you will always reap the rewards in the end.”

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Taiwan’s first female professional longboard surfer, Bay Bay Niu. Having picked up the sport later in life, she shares how she fell in love with the sport, self-taught herself how to surf, and eventually moved around the island to be near surf points where she has paved way for Taiwanese female surfers and shaped Taiwan’s surfing community - bringing more awareness to the sport on the island and putting Taiwan on the map in the global surfing community.

Surfing is not just a sport, it is a lifestyle. There is a culture, a kind of energy, it allows you to simplify your lifestyle.

About Bay Bay Niu:

Bay Bay Niu is Taiwan’s first female professional longboard surfer and Taiwan Roxy ambassador. Having picked up the sport later in life at a time when there were no female surfers in Taiwan, Bay Bay is not only a pioneer for female surfers on the island but has also put Taiwan on the map in international surfing competitions. She has competed internationally since 1996, and commentates for the Taiwan Open of Surfing Competition annually. Bay Bay continues to advocate for the sport in Taiwan and teaches in Taidong where she resides with her husband, daughter, dogs and cats!

Episode Resources:

FB / IG / Taiwan Roxy Ambassador


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