Sneha Bagrecha

“Follow your heart and when you do, you create an environment that is no stoic and more magic️”

While shopping at the Goa Collective back in 2020, I came across this brand Sneha Bagrecha showcasing her handcrafted experiential products. I have since kept in touch with Sneha and had the opportunity to interview her for this piece about her, India, sustainable fashion and creating her brand since 2013! Read below to learn more!


Tell me a little about yourself! Where were you born, grew up, etc?


I grew up in a joint family with 8 cousins around :). I was born in Chennai and brought up in the Ahmedabad city in Gujarat, India.


When and how did you start your Sneha Bagrecha brand, what inspired you to go out on your own?


Professionally I am an MBA and a CS. I also hold a diploma in design. I did try a few jobs but couldn't fit in the 10-6pm drama. I always wanted to follow my passion for design and the crafts sector, work with artisans, and travel.


What inspires you to design and make your pieces? How do you source your materials, producers, makers and find partnerships?


Travel experiences have always been my inspiration. When it comes to partnership, I go with the flow, it is how the way I happen to meet and connect with people. For example, we met in Goa, had a few chats and now we are ready to know more about each other and you are up to write about us. That’s what I lovvvve about travel. You meet random people whom you get along in life:)

I love my journey of working with the artisans, building meaningful relationships along the journey where you inspire and be inspired to design, make, create beautiful pieces along with them with so much of enthusiasm that you leave a piece of yourself into your work️ 

We wish and hope to uplift, lead the change and be a positive light in the industry.


Why do you think Indian design and designers have not been given more exposure to the West?


With each passing day, I feel the exposure to the Indian artists and artisans have increased phenomenally to the west. The craftsmanship of India has always been appreciated. We would not mind coming to your city too:)


What does Sustainability mean to you.


For me sustainability is all about how consciously you live your moments. 


What new projects are you working on?


Oh, that's a surprise! Stay tuned!


If you could share insight or inspire other artist and the next generation who want to walk down this path you are on, what would you tell them?


Follow your heart and when you do, you create an environment that is no stoic and more magic️


How can one find your products to buy?


You can find our products on our website and also follow us on social media for the latest news.

Sneha Bagrecha FB and IG

Indiegood FB and IG


If someone wanted to collaborate on special projects with you, what should they know beforehand to know they have the right synergy with you? What do you look for?


It absolutely depends on how we connect and the amount of trust we can put in each other.


I am excited to have had the opportunity to engage with Sneha and look forward to seeing what exciting new product lines she creates this year and the near future!

First published on March 4, 2020

Since we last chatted with Sneha she has also started a new sustainble brand called Indiegood take a look!


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