Supporting our Little Heroes with Daria Kozhukar

“As parents, if we don't understand how our child molds into this person we can't be better support for our kids.”

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Daria Kozhukar, founder of Little Heroes a visual learning aid product geared for teachers and parents working with autistic kids as well as an online global special needs platform. Russian born, Daria found herself working a corporate life in China in her 20s married, and starting her young family when her son, Maks at the age of 3 was diagnosed with autism. Having a special needs child empowered Daria to create Little Heroes, advocate for other kids and parents who are looking for tools and communities for support. We talk about what it means to be a special needs parent, how to interact with special needs kids, and why it is important that more awareness is created to support our special needs population around the world!

Different aspect of our life actually plays a huge role, if you are unhappy with yourself as a person you can't really give much to your child. It is important to stay happy healthy and grounded. Which is very difficult in our situation.

About Daria Kozhukar:

I truly believe that life can be exciting, beautiful and simple if we speak with kindness, act out of love and never stop being curious about ourselves and the world around us.

I feel like I’ve been tested a lot in life which has always helped me to expand and discover many more ways of expression.

One of my biggest sources of growth is my son, who is unique, special and absolutely inspiring. Helping him to overcome his challenges changed my life, turned it upside down and pushed me to learn about so many aspects of development, human connection and interaction. It helped me to find my purpose and passion in building an inclusive community, spreading awareness and sharing my knowledge personally and professionally.

Episode Resources:

Website / Little Heroes Guide / IG / FB / Canadian Parental Coach / Temple Grandin


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