Ice Cream Social

15% off for any orders

(Clicking on link takes you to the Ice Cream Social website)


Our Promotion

Use “CURITO15!” to receive 15% off any orders.

About Ice Cream Social

One hot July day in 2019 Pam was looking for something do with her young son and texted Erin “I wish there was an ice cream parlor in White Plains.” Immediately, Erin responded “ I think that ALL the time.” And thus was born the idea for Ice Cream Social.

The dream of Ice Cream Social is more than just a place to get a delicious ice cream cone. Our hope is it becomes a community gathering place. A way to make White Plains feel a little smaller. An opportunity for people to come together and enjoy the moment.

Terms & Conditions

All communication should be dealt with Ice Cream Social directly. Curito is not responsible for any issues between Ice Cream Social and the customer.




丰子甜點/ Panoramix Project