Yoga with Freddie

50% off any recordings

(Clicking on link takes you to Yoga with Freddie website)


Our Promotion

Contact Freddie directly to receive 50% off any recordings!

About Yoga with Freddie

Frederica Valente Perfeito, was born and raised in Madeira Island, a Portuguese Island in the Atlantic Ocean. She always wanted to be a lawyer, but once she began her studies, she felt something was wrong, she didn't know what so she continued studying and then working for almost 8 years as a lawyer until the had an epiphany in a music festival, where she realized she was unhappy, no self-love, no love for her lifestyle.

She decided to practice yoga in Lisbon and quickly something clicked, she quit her law career, left for India and never looked back. Freddie has 500hrs of TTC under her belt and has worked at surf and yoga camps in Portugal, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, teaches yoga and runs her own retreats now back in Madeira since the pandemic started.

Terms & Conditions

All communication should be dealt with Freddie directly. Curito is not responsible for any issues between Freddie and the customer.


Katherine Wehler
