FLXBL Yoga with Ingrid Arnou

“The comfort of a mat, the ease of a towel.”

At a recent teacher training earlier this year, a friend practiced on what looked like an ideal travel yoga mat towel! Simple design, vibrant color, firm grip, lightweight, and super versatile, best part is that this mat can be thrown into the washer!! We had our dear friend connect us to FLXBL founder, Ingrid Arnou to learn more about her and why she chose to create this mat from the Netherlands!


Hi Ingrid, so lovely to meet you, can you introduce yourself a little? 


Nice to meet you too! I am Ingrid, currently living in the Netherlands and 31 years old. I have a creative background: my first studies focused on graphic design, and after that, I have studied photography. During my studies, I was already starting to own multiple businesses. I was so full of creative ideas! I have always been an entrepreneur and creator, but my studies definitely supported my artistic mind and my creative process.


What was your life like before you started FLXBL Yoga?


Before I started FLXBL Yoga, I worked in the creative industry, going from fashion to lifestyle and retail. During my studies, I was already working on my own businesses, but being insecure has always held me back. Besides, I did not have a truly ground-breaking idea or product that did not exist yet. Starting my own businesses during my studies was also an escape because I did not know what I wanted or what my destination was going to be in terms of my career. I was always longing for freedom and working for myself. I have always preferred being independent and became unhappy when I was working for a boss or company. Another side of me was happy with the security in my career at that time and the chances I got to develop myself. I have learned a lot about Branding and Marketing, and I got the opportunity to watch how other entrepreneurs built up their businesses and launched their products. So, this part of my life has been of great value for starting FLXBL Yoga later in my life. 


Of all the various yoga styles, how did you encounter Hot Yoga? 


When working for companies, I grew a lot in my career and lived a seemingly perfect life with a company car and a good salary. I was lucky to be the photographer for a beautiful brand, and I was able to travel to the most beautiful places, from fashion week in Paris to other great locations abroad! Unfortunately, it did not satisfy me, and it did not create any happiness in my life. It showed burn-out symptoms.

When I have an idea or picture in my mind, I always strive for the best possible result, and the combination of the pressure of performing and being creative tired me to a great extent. Back then, I was already practicing yoga to unwind and calm myself, to restore and rest. When I experienced Hot Yoga for the first time, I loved it, because I was able to release tension and stress from my body during class. I finally found a moment to just be and not strive for anything. Things had to change, and I decided to reroute my course by leaving for Bali for a few months.

My personal development, solitude, and discovering yoga further was finally my first priority, something I always felt I wanted. Bali is an excellent place for practicing and discovering yoga, and it was the place to be for my personal path. At that time, my FLXBL Yoga mat was still a sample, was my best friend during these travels, and I discovered that all the unique properties made it an incredible travel mat.

Nobody I encountered had such a foldable, light, and washable travel mat, and I saw great opportunities for FLXBL Yoga. I kept thinking about it once I was back at home and also other yogi’s noticed. They asked me where I got the FLXBL Yoga mat, and they wanted to try it and expressed their love for the vibrant colors and basic design. That finally gave me an aha-moment: finally, I found a product that did not exist yet. I decided to follow my intuition, to embrace change, and take the risk. FLXBL Yoga was something I truly believed in and wanted to work on. From that moment on, all I could do was to give everything.


How did you begin your research and design process for FLXBL Yoga? How did you source your materials?! Did you do market research and compare your product against your competitors? 


The creative process that resulted in the FLXBL Yoga mat as it is now has taken a long time, researching and designing the yoga mat has taken over a year. It all started with an idea for designing yoga pants with different prints and patterns, but Nike and Adidas had the same idea, which made it a dead-end project for me. I had invested a lot of my savings, and I discovered I did not have enough knowledge of clothing and fashion. By chance, the same factory informed me about the possibility of producing yoga mats. In the design, I chose a minimal, fresh, and clean look, basic but vibrant through the use of colors. In my opinion, when you practice yoga, you do not want to be distracted by prints or busy patterning. So less is more! 


What were some of your biggest challenges when you decided to create your own product line, what did you learn from it?


There were many things I had to learn. Dealing with setbacks was one of the things I had to cope with. I started with my own (last) savings, and I even had to borrow extra money from a friend. That was something very unnatural for me, and on top of that, my surroundings also expressed their worries about jumping into the unknown. My patterns of fear of insecurity became strong and visible, and I had to find a way to create new patterns or go around them. Setbacks or unforeseen problems, like water damage or stock errors on my website, have created many difficult obstructions.

Quitting has crossed my mind many times, but on the other hand, I am very thankful and happy to wake up every day with new faith and courage to continue! Eventually, it has been worth it all: I own a successful brand, and many yogis enjoy FLXBL as part of their practice. I cannot be more grateful for what it has become. Of course, I still have to work hard, and some days are easier than others, I am still learning every day. Especially the setbacks have taught me so much, so now I try to embrace them as a part of the process. They are simply a means to develop myself and keep on learning. 


What kind of tips would you give others who want to start their own product and company in any market? 


Find something you believe in! If it is something that does not exist yet, or if it is something you would purchase yourself, go for it! Do not listen to your doubtful or critical inner voice, instead listen to your intuition and gut feeling. I am convinced that everyone has talents and that by using your unique gifts, we hold the key to success. Spiritually we already have everything we need, but how wonderful is it to keep growing by doing what you love? What you do should bring a smile to your face every day! 

It is important to outsource certain projects with faith, and these people should really feel and understand your brand. If you want to grow, this is essential.


Who are some of your mentors, and what inspires you to continue to do what you do every day? 


In the three years that I am working on FLXBL, I have encountered many inspiring people and beautiful opportunities. Some investors and advisors and they have helped me a great deal with marketing and branding my FLXBL Yoga Mat. I have always listened to my gut feeling, and sometimes it was telling me that someone made me insecure, and in other cases, it told me someone gave me strength and courage.

I keep in touch with other entrepreneurs who have built a brand from their small attic and are now successful owners of their businesses. They all became successful because of trust in their product, not for a desire to become rich. My brother Jasper plays a significant role in my life and business. He has always been there for me and helped me behind the scenes. This has made my foundation very strong, and we trust each other completely. Currently, he is helping me with international sales, e-commerce, and logistics. Next to my brother, it is lovely to work with Marjolein. She has a passion for yoga and a talent for text and image. We understand and complement each other. It is important to outsource certain projects with faith, and these people should really feel and understand your brand. If you want to grow, this is essential. 


Will you expand your FLXBL product line in the future? 


Growth always has been my interest, and I am definitely researching possibilities for other FLXBL products to complement the FLXBL Yoga Mat. On the other hand, there are already many yoga-related products on the market, and I do not have the ambition to contribute to mass production and create useless products. My vision of making a difference and adding something of worth is my most important guideline for creating a new product. And it has to be ethically made and eco, green production is very important to me in taking this next step. 


Has covid affected your FLXBL business? Has this pandemic given you some new ideas? 


I am so happy that Covid-19 has not negatively affected FLXBL. People stayed home and embraced practicing yoga at home, which meant they were looking for a comfortable, hygienic, and versatile new yoga mat. Because FLXBL is a soft and foldable top layer and offers a great grip on various surfaces, it actually got more attention. More importantly, because FLXBL is so easy to clean and wash by hand or in the washing machine, it proofs to be the perfect corona proof yoga mat. Now studios have opened their doors again, and it is wonderful to have your own hygienic mat that you can easily take with you in your backpack and refresh or wash after a sweaty practice. 


Where do you hope to see Flxbl grow in this new decade?


Currently, I focus on expanding sales from The Netherlands to Belgium and Germany. We live in a big world, and the market for yoga products is huge. There are many opportunities, so I always remain open, and I do everything in my power to share my love for yoga and FLXBL. I will always keep things simple, and I do not wish to have a big brand with many products - I choose quality over quantity. I do not want to work with employees because I want to remain free to travel and work at the same time. My dream is to travel the world in a van and to work on FLXBL from different places. Selling FLXBL in the US is a big dream, that maybe someday will come true. 


For those who live outside of the EU, how should we continue to follow your offerings and products, and how do we get an Flxbl! 


Yogi’s in Europe can order the FLXBL yoga mat fast and easy on www.flxblyoga.com or use CURITO10 to receive 10% off. We ship for free within the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and outside this region, we charge a small amount of shipping costs. Soon FLXBL will be offered on Amazon so that we can deliver even faster within Europe. Hopefully, it will be possible to deliver in other parts of the world soon, so FLXBL will make the yoga world more colorful and bright. If you want to stay posted, follow FXLBL on IG and FB


Thanks for sharing your story and brand with us Ingrid and we have no doubt FLXBL will find its way to the US in this new decade and perhaps find its way to Taiwan and Asia too!

Tired of slippery yoga mats? Be inspired by the amazing Tara Ubachs from @mysore.yoga and learn how to use your hands and feet to create grip and grounding…

First published on August 20, 2020.

In collaboration with Videographer: Jane Zijlstra from @dynamic_film & Creative direction: Tara Ubachs from @mysore.yoga https://www.mysoreyoga.nl

First published on August 20, 2020


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