Home is Within Us with Muriel Morwitzer-Bächtold

“Daring to love myself with all my imperfections, it was a hard journey but the most rewarding journey ever.”

Summary of Episode:

Jenn speaks to Muriel (Mumu) Morwitzer-Bächtold an enthusiastic and passionate Movement coach and international educator for art of motion Academy and Anatomy Trains Australia/New Zeeland. She trained to become a professional dancer, however Mumu had to retire early due to injuries. Mumu pulled out all her learnt Pilates tools to rehabilitate herself. Meeting Karin Gurtner, co-founder of art of motion Academy, assisted her in understanding and approach her rehabilitation more individually and holistically. A special life changing moment was when Karin developed Slings Myofascial Training and how to (re)train innate fascial qualities, this opened a whole new understanding of the body’s self-healing capacity and how to train and regain “somatic trust” and “movement courage” again. We delve into her life experiences, specifically the passing of her father and what showing up on the mat and creating a resource-oriented training program taught her, especially on how to recover from emotional and physical adversity! We wrap up the conversation by talking about movement for kids and teenager and how developing somatic trust and kinaesthetic intelligence is so important in the world we live in today.

If you foster your fascial architecture, you can affect your tone regulation within your fascial system which has a positive effect on your nervous system.

About Muriel Morwitzer-Bächtold:

Muriel Morwitzer-Bächtold, known to most as Mumu, is the Deputy Educational Director, Senior Educator and Assessor for of art of motion Academy® a renowned training organization for Slings Myofascial Training and Contemporary Pilates based in Switzerland. Mumu also lectures for Anatomy Trains Australia & New Zeeland® 

Growing up in the Swiss Alps Mumu enjoyed skiing, snowboarding, hiking, dancing, and white-water kayaking. Mumu trained in Contemporary Dance, Ballet, Pilates, Choreography and Anatomy for Dancers at the Laban Centre in London. It was here that she discovered her love for Pilates, developed a passion for educating others with a focus on preventing injuries in movement-linked professions or generally to improve life quality.

However, at times she felt as though her training was lacking something. Meeting Karin and becoming a lecturer for art of motion Academy opened a whole new world of possibilities and gave her a more contemporary science-based understanding of the body’s interconnectedness. Being a part of the team kept Mumu at the forefront of Karin’s findings and developments. Learning about Slings Myofascial Training, a fascia focused resource-oriented movement concept and Tom Myers Anatomy Trains concept broadened her ‘body reading’ horizon and understanding of whole-body interconnectedness dramatically, as well as how to apply it to functional movement. art of motion’s holistic and up to date approach to functional exercise and exercise sequencing was refreshing and a memorable turning point in her life and career. The more she delved into Slings Myofascial Training, the more of the missing pieces of the ‘puzzle’ were coming together and her own as well as her clients’ results changed for the better and long lastingly which is very rewarding to this day!

Mumu has greatly enjoyed her journey so far and knows there is more to learn for evermore, which is inspiring and exciting to her!

Travelling is in her nature. You can find her teaching and lecturing internationally and online.

Episode Resources:

IG / FB / Vimeo / Brene Brown Podcast / Elizabeth Gilbert Podcast / Jack Kornfield Podcast / Gil Hedley / Carla Steco / Tara Bach / The Body Keeps the Score / The Brain that Changes Itself

Check out additional 45min videos Mumu recommends to get you started on your healthy habit movement journey!


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